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Impact TRIPS

Impact Trips are created to bring together two things that are important to you and your family. â€‹


Most of us occasionally find time to vacation or travel with those we call family.  So, what happens if we take what we're already doing to build memories (traveling) and add some intentional leadership growth to them?  Welcome to Impact Trips.  We've partnered with Hi Ho Travel LLC., to organize some great opportunities for families, including some that will be adults only.  Together we'll experience great travel and some growth to benefit us all. â€‹


Why Impact Trips:

  • Build community with fellow Impact travelers.

  • Impact Trip SWAG.

  • Pre & Post Trip leadership connections to help you intentionally grow.

  • Informal on-trip-gatherings to not interrupt your vacation. 

  • and more.


What's Included In My Impact Trip?

  • SWAG—We curate a SWAG Bag for each Impact Trip that will be sent to each registered family prior to our first virtual hangout.

    • Trip T-shirt, one for each member of your family. 

    • Trip Guide—Each Impact Trip will have a theme-based Impact Guide Book.  In this Guide, you'll find the key to pre-trip prep, on-trip guidance, and some 'unpacking' for post-trip debriefs. 

    • some other fun surprises to get us ready for an Impact Trip you won't soon forget. 

  • Training - all Impact Trips will have 1-2 pre-trip virtual hangouts for participants (mainly the adults) to get to know each other and learn from your Trip Guides (Leadership Coaches) some tips/tricks to begin to have discussions around the theme with your family, and more.  During the trip, to maximize family time, we'll have some informal and optional get-togethers ​, which could be meals together, a fun game/tournament, or discussions over drinks or around the fire.  Following the trip, we'll have a virtual de-brief for participants to unpack the experience and hold each other accountable to our Next Steps as we grow. 

  • Private Facebook Group - as the trip registration gets underway, you'll see an opportunity to join a group specific to your Impact Trip. This will be one more way for participants to meet and get to know each other.  A safe place to ask questions about the theme/topics or advice from someone who may have traveled where we're headed before.  

  • Elevated Memories & Intentional Growth - sure, you could go make your own plans and vacation with your family - but the benefit of an Impact Trip is you get to make the journey with other like-minded families, leaders, and travelers.  Together, we'll help each other create an elevated experience both on and beyond the Impact Trips. 

note: your travel arrangements (accommodations, travel to/from, meals, and other extras are your responsibility and unless otherwise noted in your specific Impact Trip description are not included in your Impact Trip registration.  Typically a Trip fee is inclusive of a family of four, there may be an upcharge for extra members to cover some of the items in your SWAG bag. 

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